Memorial Day Honoring All That Have Paid The Ultimate Sacrifice
May 25th, 2023 at 2:50 pm   starstarstarstarstar      



On Memorial Day, the United States pauses to honor the fallen heroes who died in service to our Nation. With heavy hearts and a sense of profound gratitude, we mourn these women and men, parent, children, comrades-in-arms, friends, and all those known and unknown, who believed so deeply in what our country that they were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice and give their lives to protect us.


With a constant barrage of commercials and ads touting Memorial Day Weekend discounts on cars, cheap furniture and more, it’s easy for many Americans to be distracted from our understanding for the true reason we observe Memorial Day. 


While it’s nice to BBQ, enjoy a 3-day weekend and get excited about the unofficial start of summer, it’s also the time to honor, to remember, and to reflect!


If you do nothing else this weekend, please take time to reflect on the real reason we observe Memorial Day and honor all the brave men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice to make the United States the land of the free and the home of the brave.


Land of the free because of the Brave!

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